Typography & Link Effects





Heading Font - Fira Sans

H1 - 36px, weight 600, line height 1.2

H2 - 30px, weight 600

H3 - 24px, weight 600

H4 - 20px, weight 600

Heading Font - Roboto

H1 - 36px, weight 600, line height 1.2

H2 - 30px, weight 600

H3 - 24px, weight 600

H4 - 20px, weight 600

Make sure you remove unused font weights when optimising the site

Body Text

Text Font - Merriweather
Text Size - 16px
Font Weight - 400
Line Height - 1.6
Text Font - Fira Sans
Text Size - 16px
Font Weight - 400
Line Height 1.6
Text Font - Roboto
Text Size - 16px
Font Weight - 400
Line Height - 1.6
Text Font - Ubuntu
Text Size - 16px
Font Weight - 400
Line Height - 1.6

Centralised Heading & Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed orci eu risus ultrices placerat in in ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent congue nunc sed nulla faucibus rutrum. Sed mollis ante quis ligula pretium, sit amet lacinia tortor molestie. Aenean at nisi sed ex scelerisque elementum. Vivamus vitae cursus turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;
Heading - Set Left & Right margin as "Auto"
Test - Change text width as appropriate & set Left & Right margin as "Auto" - keeps text as left aligned - change to centre aligned if necessary

Heading With Line



Heading with border left & right

Heading with Underline

Heading with Underline

Heading with Overline

Heading with Underline & Overline

Added border-top-width: 3px !important; to class heading-underline - use margin top to increase space between the heading & underline
Added border-bottom-width: 3px !important; to class heading-overline - use margin bottom to increase space between the heading & overline

Link Transition on Hover

Hover Transition
Added class "hover-transition"
Timing duration - 0.3 secs
Timing function - ease-in-out

Hover Underline from Left

Class added to Text Link
Class added to Link Wrapper
Class add to Text Block within a Link Wrapper

Class added to a html link within a code block by adding class="hvr-underline-from-left" to the a href

Stylesheet created called "hvr-underline-from-left"
Created class called "hvr-underline-from-left"
Class can either be applied to a text link, a link wrapper (containing an icon & text block), a text block within a link wrapper or a text link within a code block
Created class called "hvr-underline-from-left-light" (code duplicated within hvr-underline-from-left stylesheet)

Heading Underline From Left - No CSS

Heading Underline From Left - No CSS

Wrap a Heading within a Div
On the Div do the following
1. State - After
Set background color (as appropriate)
Advanced > Size & Spacing - Width 0% & Height 2px (or as appropriate)
Advanced > Effects > Transition > Transition Duration - 0.5 sec

2. Add State hover:after
Advanced > Size & Spacing - Width 100%

Use before state to display underline at the top
Can also be used to add underline to boxes as an alternative to the method using CSS

Image Bullets within a List

  • Green tick icon instead of a bullet point
  • Can use any color tick or an alternative icon/image for the list depending on the requirement
  • Add the list within the html section & the css code within a code block
  • Can increase the font size along with the width & height of the icon along with the left padding